Logging in on Web
The Login Page (shown below) is the first step to accessing HVC2 from the web portal.
Your domain is usually the name of your company. For example, for a company called ABCDE Enterprises, the domain would likely be "abcde" or "abcde-enterprises". If you are unsure what your domain is, please contact your Hippo sales representative, or your in-house IT staff.
Your domain homepage will be the following structure, using "abcde" as the domain: https://abcde.my-hippo.io
Once you are here, login will also depend on your organization. If your organization uses SSO (single-sign-on) to access HVC, you may be automatically signed in based on your saved credentials. If your organization does not use SSO, you will need to enter your Email and Password to login.

Your domain is usually the name of your company. For example, for a company called ABCDE Enterprises, the domain would likely be "abcde" or "abcde-enterprises". If you are unsure what your domain is, please contact your Hippo sales representative, or your in-house IT staff.
Your domain homepage will be the following structure, using "abcde" as the domain: https://abcde.my-hippo.io
Once you are here, login will also depend on your organization. If your organization uses SSO (single-sign-on) to access HVC, you may be automatically signed in based on your saved credentials. If your organization does not use SSO, you will need to enter your Email and Password to login.

Updated on: 20/07/2023