Articles on: Changelogs

Web v2.0.6 (Feb 12 2024)

WARNING: Some of the features in this update rely on your browser to correctly convey data to HVC2. HVC2 is only certified to run as expected on Google Chrome. Most browsers are Chrome-based, so it should be no problem to use Edge or other browsers, but if you run into any issues with features in this update, please try to use Google Chrome.

Contents of Update


Users on Web can now share their screen to all other users in the call. When you are a Host in a meeting, you will see a button (pictured below) that allows you to initiate screenshare.

Once you click that button, you will get a popup asking you which Tab, Window, or Screen you want to share. After choosing one and clicking "Share" to confirm, everyone else will see whatever Tab, Window, or Screen you selected. You can see a preview of what they see in the top left of your screen. To see a larger preview, click the small tile preview and it will enlarge to fill the screen. To return to seeing the rest of the meeting, click the tile on the top right (next to your camera feed if it's on) to enlarge it.
Please note that users on Headsets and Mobile devices will need to be updated to the latest version of the HVC app on their respective platform in order to be able to see the screen you are sharing.
To stop sharing your screen, click the same icon above (this time it's red to indicate you are already sharing your screen).
If you are an admin, you can disable or enable screenshare for your entire tenant in the App Configuration tab of the Admin portal.

New Permission: Can Use Secure Camera

Previously, all users who had Headset access could use the Secure Camera on the headset. We received feedback that admins would like the functionality to separate these two permissions, and now it's here. Find it in the Admin portal!

Wording changed on PIN/QR screen

We received feedback that the verbiage "Reset PIN" was confusing to users who were changing their PIN. Now, the first time you set a PIN, the button says "Set PIN" and anytime you want to change it, the button will say "Change PIN."

New Admin Settings

These settings apply to all users on the tenant. In order for a user to perform a task, they must also have the necessary permission. Please note that these settings are all defaulted to ON for new tenants.

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug sometimes disallowing the saving of profile pictures
Fixed a bug that sometimes blocked Admin App Configuration settings from being saved correctly.
Stability improvements

Updated on: 21/04/2024