How to join a scheduled event on a Headset
To join a scheduled call on the headset, first ensure you are logged in. If you see the homescreen (pictured below) you are logged in. In this example, Alex Gallawa is logged in, as indicated by the text at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If you need help logging in, please see Signing into HVC Say "Events" to navigate to the events menu. Say "JFew readersIn-Call Controls on Headset app
From left to right, the following buttons are explained below: End Call: Causes the user to leave the call, moving them back to the screen which they were on before the call started. Unmute/Mute: Controls the microphone on the headset. Video: On devices with only one camera (Such as the HMT-1 and the Navigator 500) this is simply a toggle on/off. On devices with multiple cameras, such as theFew readersHow to place an impromptu call on a headset
To start an impromptu call on the headset, first ensure you are logged in. If you see the homescreen (pictured below) you are logged in. In this example, Alex Gallawa is logged in, as indicated by the text at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If you need help logging in, please see Signing into HVC Say "Contacts" to open the contacts page You willFew readersSigning into HVC
On the XR Application, users can log into their account with a QR Code and PIN combination. Using the Color Keyboard, this activity can be done securely and quickly. Follow the steps below to log into your HVC account on an XR device. Generate a Login QR Code on either the mobile app or the web portal To generate a QR CodeFew readersDetermining Eye Dominance
Placing the display pod in front of your dominant eye will provide a more accurate preview and better visual information processing. To determine your eye dominance, extend your arms out in front of you with palms facing away (see image). Bring your hands together to form a small triangle with your thumbs and forefingers. With both eyes open, center a distant object within the triangle — such as a picFew readers